Ughs...this whole regents week I'm sick with a cold. My nose is like dead from me blowing it. Its like red and puffy D: I feel like plastic surgery is needed on my nose. I feel so lazy this whole vacation. Since I did pretty much nothing other than watch tv or watch vids. on youtube. My newest obession from youtube is; XiaXue's Guild to Life and Chick Vs. Dick. They make me die of laughter everytime I watch one of their vids. But my mom thinks I'm crazy. This is one of our conversations.
Mom: ...Are you okay?
Me: *breathes* yea..*back to laughing*
Mom: *walks away*
Me: *Done with vid*
Mom: Done laughing?
Me: Yea
Mom: ...uh huhh O_O"
Ughs...I swear I'm gaining pounds for sitting here and doing nothing, but eat and watch stuff. My eyes are going to die and I'm going to be like so much dumber when I go back to school. Ughs...3 more days then back to school ughs...I'm already dreading it.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Chinese New Years, yes I went to school like a nerd, but it was interesting. I found our my final grade or final report card grade for most of the classes so I'm happy.
Global: Final report card grade-85 which I'm okay with, since my first marking period was a 65, then 80 so I went up so I'm glad.
Spanish: 3rd quarter or final report card grade= 92, holy crap I'm passing spanish in the 90s this is amazing :O
Bio. Final Test=99?!?!?!?!? I'm so happy, btw it is out of 110 but still 99?!?!?!?! that dam 99 is going to count twice, and she is dropping the lowest test/quiz grade which means good bye 63. This so helps my average, studying my ass off did help
English: Final breakdown: Classwork-75% hahahas I should raise my hand, but Blah. Homework-100% I'm such a nerd, Test: 92 decent, Quiz: 100 and I don't even cheat for the voc. quizes.
Tomorrow: DDP final, I'm still studying but I'm currently dying, since its so freakin boring to read slides over and over again. Ughs...D: I just want to pass I'm not even asking for a 90 or above, just a decent passing grade. I wonder how teachers can make these files one after another I would just like give up after doing one of them, reading them is already killing me imagine I had to make one :O
Global: Final report card grade-85 which I'm okay with, since my first marking period was a 65, then 80 so I went up so I'm glad.
Spanish: 3rd quarter or final report card grade= 92, holy crap I'm passing spanish in the 90s this is amazing :O
Bio. Final Test=99?!?!?!?!? I'm so happy, btw it is out of 110 but still 99?!?!?!?! that dam 99 is going to count twice, and she is dropping the lowest test/quiz grade which means good bye 63. This so helps my average, studying my ass off did help
English: Final breakdown: Classwork-75% hahahas I should raise my hand, but Blah. Homework-100% I'm such a nerd, Test: 92 decent, Quiz: 100 and I don't even cheat for the voc. quizes.
Tomorrow: DDP final, I'm still studying but I'm currently dying, since its so freakin boring to read slides over and over again. Ughs...D: I just want to pass I'm not even asking for a 90 or above, just a decent passing grade. I wonder how teachers can make these files one after another I would just like give up after doing one of them, reading them is already killing me imagine I had to make one :O
Sunday, January 25, 2009
DBSK is so sweet
I was talking to my friend online, and she sent me this link. I swear it almost made me cry. D:
Friday, January 23, 2009
I'm Free
Finally I'm free, of all finals other than the DDP one, but still I'm free. Today, was like the most awesome day ever, we went to school late, today school started at 9, and it ended early at 2:14 and the only final I had was in gym.
Some of my teachers already graded my finals so here are the current grades;
Math: 85-that is okay considering that the class average was a 73 but yea...I could've done better.
Spanish: 92!?!?!?!!?!?!!? HOLY CRAP I thought that I got in the 80s or 70s seriously, I can't believed that I did better than Spanish than in Math, this is sad...and so not asian
English: 86-Considering that I thought that I failed it was okay, but since I had high hopes of passing english finals with a high grade, this made me sad. But seriously I had to write 2 essays and answer 25 questions in the matter of 1 hour, not even since he wasted time handing out papers.
Some of my teachers already graded my finals so here are the current grades;
Math: 85-that is okay considering that the class average was a 73 but yea...I could've done better.
Spanish: 92!?!?!?!!?!?!!? HOLY CRAP I thought that I got in the 80s or 70s seriously, I can't believed that I did better than Spanish than in Math, this is sad...and so not asian
English: 86-Considering that I thought that I failed it was okay, but since I had high hopes of passing english finals with a high grade, this made me sad. But seriously I had to write 2 essays and answer 25 questions in the matter of 1 hour, not even since he wasted time handing out papers.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
So, while I was suppose to be studying yes I'm feeling dead from studying D: and from finals. brain hurts D: my friend showed me the site My mom's a Fob and it just made me die. These were my favorite ones.
This was over breakfast.
Mom: So, do you have boyfriend yet?
Me: No, no. Not right now.
Mom: This good. You must protect your rose.
Me: … my rose?
Mom: All girls have rose. It no good to lose it early. Boys want to pick your rose, but you no let them. If every boy pick your rose, garden will be empty!! Then what give your husband then? No one will want to marry you. *dramatic sigh* Then you end up with old man with bad teeth, like Mama here.
and from the site My Dad's a fob
My buddy Phil was telling me about a lecture his dad gave him one day.
“Phil! You think you can get an “ABOVE job right out of school?”
“You need to first do Below Job for a long time, like me.”
“After long time of Below Job then you can get Above Job!”
“Then you get someone else to do Below Job!”
Dad: So, any boyfriends?
Me: Nope.
Mom: Well, she had a fling.
Dad: What’s a fling?
Mom: You know…when something’s not really going anywhere. She had one with Gabe.
Dad: With a GAY?? That’s REALLY not going anywhere!
This was over breakfast.
Mom: So, do you have boyfriend yet?
Me: No, no. Not right now.
Mom: This good. You must protect your rose.
Me: … my rose?
Mom: All girls have rose. It no good to lose it early. Boys want to pick your rose, but you no let them. If every boy pick your rose, garden will be empty!! Then what give your husband then? No one will want to marry you. *dramatic sigh* Then you end up with old man with bad teeth, like Mama here.
and from the site My Dad's a fob
My buddy Phil was telling me about a lecture his dad gave him one day.
“Phil! You think you can get an “ABOVE job right out of school?”
“You need to first do Below Job for a long time, like me.”
“After long time of Below Job then you can get Above Job!”
“Then you get someone else to do Below Job!”
Dad: So, any boyfriends?
Me: Nope.
Mom: Well, she had a fling.
Dad: What’s a fling?
Mom: You know…when something’s not really going anywhere. She had one with Gabe.
Dad: With a GAY?? That’s REALLY not going anywhere!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Studying NOT!
Okay, since today is the weekend before finals week, I decided to give an atempt at studying for global. That went out quite well I got pass the first two chapters, because I stop paying attention and wanted to go to sleep. So much for studying and I told myself I would study for at least 1 hour, it took me 30 mins. to get pass the first section, and 10 mins. later I gave up studying I'll attempt to study again after dinner.
So I decided to go on xanga, and I found my younger cousin's new xanga. She is so different now. Seriously...she is dam..girly and she cut school why? because her math teacher changed her seat. Like Seriously wtf...that is a horrible excuse. I feel like such a stalker reading her posts, but hey its on the internet everyone reads everything :O and its not like I found out any grand secret other than the fact that she meets up with people she met on audition in real life, and spends a lot of money on NX cards.
So I decided to go on xanga, and I found my younger cousin's new xanga. She is so different now. Seriously...she is dam..girly and she cut school why? because her math teacher changed her seat. Like Seriously wtf...that is a horrible excuse. I feel like such a stalker reading her posts, but hey its on the internet everyone reads everything :O and its not like I found out any grand secret other than the fact that she meets up with people she met on audition in real life, and spends a lot of money on NX cards.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Today, I had to wear a skirt to school, since I had to perform a skit, and no girls back then wore pants, so skirt it was D: that was very bad and painful, since I personally hate wearing skirts and that day was the coldest day of the whole week so sad.
This guy in my cluster made my dad I swear, he was wearing a girls' XS American Eagle Tank top, and he stuffed his boobs so it looked like he was an F cup. And the thing is he kept fixing his "boobs" and it was hilarous. I think that our english teacher was enjoying it when he got up to do his skit.
We had only 7 mins. to do ours, since we didn't want to go on tuesday so we kind of rushed, but oh wells hopefully our group still gets a good grade. I ended up dressing in all black other than my necklace. It was kind of weird, but hey at least I somewhat matched :D
OMFG spanish final wasn't that hard, although I might not have done as good as I wanted too, since I made mistakes, and all. But hopefully I did okay for a passing grade week is finals week I'm going to die.
This guy in my cluster made my dad I swear, he was wearing a girls' XS American Eagle Tank top, and he stuffed his boobs so it looked like he was an F cup. And the thing is he kept fixing his "boobs" and it was hilarous. I think that our english teacher was enjoying it when he got up to do his skit.
We had only 7 mins. to do ours, since we didn't want to go on tuesday so we kind of rushed, but oh wells hopefully our group still gets a good grade. I ended up dressing in all black other than my necklace. It was kind of weird, but hey at least I somewhat matched :D
OMFG spanish final wasn't that hard, although I might not have done as good as I wanted too, since I made mistakes, and all. But hopefully I did okay for a passing grade week is finals week I'm going to die.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Finals D:
OMG. finals are coming up, and I have a freakin final for every subject including subjects that are like what the hell to have a final for such as a written final for gym. D: Arghs...I have a global final which I think I might fail since I'm not exactly doing good in global but I will study my ass off for it. Then there is the good old spanish final which I'm hoping to pass, since its mostly multiple choice other than the parg. of 300? words that we have to write. Biology final omg..I'm dreading it so much. Bio. lab no idea, gym no idea, ddp ew. Then geometry I hope to pass, I want to be asian D: English=I have to remember 180 voc. words that I will never use again, cus I don't want to talk and not know what I'm talking about because I'm using hard words even though it makes me sound smart. :O
Arghs...part I of my spanish is on friday, which is also the due date to my english skit and then there is also a ddp quiz on that day, arghs..this week I'm going to die. D:
Arghs...part I of my spanish is on friday, which is also the due date to my english skit and then there is also a ddp quiz on that day, arghs..this week I'm going to die. D:
Monday, January 12, 2009
Homework ew?
D: Math is extremely gay. I don't get rotations what so ever. I learned it last year, but due to my attnetion spam, I don't exactly pay attention, and since I don't know what the hell he is talking about anyways half the times I just day dream in math class. D:
2 projects and one essay due this week. I feel like I'm going to die from all the work. Sighs..thank god I already did my essay, now I only have to deal with the skit, so far I'm currently writing my global one, about the Gupta Empire D: So far I haven't gotten anywhere.
Finals are also all next week I feel like I'm going to fail, seriously...part one of my spanish final is this friday which is also the day that I have a bio. test D: This is hell I swear it is.
2 projects and one essay due this week. I feel like I'm going to die from all the work. Sighs..thank god I already did my essay, now I only have to deal with the skit, so far I'm currently writing my global one, about the Gupta Empire D: So far I haven't gotten anywhere.
Finals are also all next week I feel like I'm going to fail, seriously...part one of my spanish final is this friday which is also the day that I have a bio. test D: This is hell I swear it is.
Friday, January 9, 2009
3 Years 3 Months Continues
I was told that I was going to get my top braces off today, Yea get them off my ass. They are still there D: "Next time" they've been telling me that for 5 months already, yet the braces are still on. I give up hoping that they'll come off, my hopes were so high and now they are crushed.
Gym pissed the hell out of me. We got new teams for volleyball and only Tina, Rina and I were the only girls on the team. The guys were like "we play better without you guys so just sit out."(only 3 of the guys on the team said that to us.) I was like wtf...I know we're not the best players, I miss sometimes but I can serve, Rina can hit the ball back and Tina can hit the ball back too. Yet there is this guy who can't serve or hit the ball back yet he is still playing. I mean its just a game, they are like the worse people I've played with, and all the others were mad aggressive but yet they didnt' go like "oh we play better without you just don't play"
Then in english one of my "team members" came up to me and went like "You guys suck." OMFG. ITS NOT LIKE YOU GUYS STARTED OFF PRO EITHER, PISS THE HELL OUT OF ME.
Gym pissed the hell out of me. We got new teams for volleyball and only Tina, Rina and I were the only girls on the team. The guys were like "we play better without you guys so just sit out."(only 3 of the guys on the team said that to us.) I was like wtf...I know we're not the best players, I miss sometimes but I can serve, Rina can hit the ball back and Tina can hit the ball back too. Yet there is this guy who can't serve or hit the ball back yet he is still playing. I mean its just a game, they are like the worse people I've played with, and all the others were mad aggressive but yet they didnt' go like "oh we play better without you just don't play"
Then in english one of my "team members" came up to me and went like "You guys suck." OMFG. ITS NOT LIKE YOU GUYS STARTED OFF PRO EITHER, PISS THE HELL OUT OF ME.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Clean Desk
After a long long time, of never cleaning my desk I finally did it. Aren't you proud? XD I'm a neat freak only when I get annoyed searching for something for about 3 mins. because I have too much garbage.

For your information all the stuff that use to be there most likely are still there, just stuff into my drawers. But at least nobody looks in there anyways.
Finals are coming up in about 2 weeks, there is a final in every subject D: wtf..I have a gym final and we're doing volleyball, no idea how he is going to have his test. D: Bio. test is tomorrow, meaning that I really should get going with the studying lets hope this time I don't fall alsleep D: which is what I end up doing after looking at words for more than half an hour.
For your information all the stuff that use to be there most likely are still there, just stuff into my drawers. But at least nobody looks in there anyways.
Finals are coming up in about 2 weeks, there is a final in every subject D: wtf..I have a gym final and we're doing volleyball, no idea how he is going to have his test. D: Bio. test is tomorrow, meaning that I really should get going with the studying lets hope this time I don't fall alsleep D: which is what I end up doing after looking at words for more than half an hour.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Ice Skating
Sighs...Ice Skating hurts bad. I seriously suggest that you learn to Rollerblade first, since falling on ice hurts a lot more. Today I went ice skating with Tiffany, Tina, Tracy and Catharine for the first time. At first we were suppose to go with Melody too, but then there were too many people so we decided to come back for the 7-10 session. We went to 8th ave to "check out hot guys" didn't find any though. Melody couldn't go with us, so we left her to go to Tiffany's house. At Tiffany's house we looked through her stuff, and girl talked. Then we ate pizza and ice cream while watching people play the wii.
When it was time we went back to the skating rink and I had to borrow shoes. Ice skating is a lot harder than it looks. I fell twice on my tailbone too. Tina fell more than me but it was on her butt. Tiffany, Catharine and Tracy were just pro. D: When it was time for us to all leave, we all girl talked in Tiffany's car. It was all quite interesting.
D: Even though my tailbone hurts, I still fun although I might not go ice skating for a while.
When it was time we went back to the skating rink and I had to borrow shoes. Ice skating is a lot harder than it looks. I fell twice on my tailbone too. Tina fell more than me but it was on her butt. Tiffany, Catharine and Tracy were just pro. D: When it was time for us to all leave, we all girl talked in Tiffany's car. It was all quite interesting.
D: Even though my tailbone hurts, I still fun although I might not go ice skating for a while.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Last night I didn't stay up till 12, I stop staying up since the next day I end up feeling like crap although last year I stayed up watching a drama. So before I went to bed, somebody told me something that I'm not suppose to tell anyone. And that was how my year ended.
So today I went shopping in Kings Plaza again. I went into American Eagle, and saw like two little girls(maybe in elementry school) with their mother there. They were both decked out in Aero, the older sister I would say okay but the younger sister looks like she is in 2nd grade. I was about to smack my head, since they were so young, but then again what can you do about it.
OMG...math homework still not done, ddp homework still not done, and I feel lazy D:
So today I went shopping in Kings Plaza again. I went into American Eagle, and saw like two little girls(maybe in elementry school) with their mother there. They were both decked out in Aero, the older sister I would say okay but the younger sister looks like she is in 2nd grade. I was about to smack my head, since they were so young, but then again what can you do about it.
OMG...math homework still not done, ddp homework still not done, and I feel lazy D:
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