Sighs...two tests tomorrow; one in English of the myths that we were "taught" and ddp on measurements. I needa study for both of them since I promised that I would do better this term, and today I'm pretty sure that I failed my Spanish quiz that I took today.
English is a pain to study for, since there are so many myths and even though I read all of them well most of them I don't remember the names very well X_X I feel like I'm going to fail English since even though his tests aren't that hard, there are a lot of questions so I have to go quick there isn't really time to slow and think about the answers.
DDP is a pain in the butt X_X seriously we're going to have this test on measurements so I've been trying to remember formulas. My teacher is just so blah. I mean on Wedensday, he wanted "completed" homework and only 3 students completed everything, so everyone else gets a zero, sighs...Studying is so dam hard, I mean I've read over everything and all, but yea...not working X_X
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
X_X I have the stomach virus and a fever. I feel so bad and horrible right now. I've been throwing up from 11 pm (yesterday) to 4 am today. Getting 3 hours of actual sleep doesn't make me feel any better. Ughs...both my mom and I are sick. I don't know how bulimics lose weight by throwing up, since its freakin painful. And I didn't want to eat anything in the morning since I don't want to throw up anymore, which left me light headed since there was nothing in my stomach other than water and last time I checked water doesn't make you full.
Luckily I didn't throw up anymore today, surprisinly I lost 4 pounds X_X but I would rather have kept those 4 pounds if it meant me not having to throw up. I still feel horrible and now I also have a dam fever which most likely came from the stomach virus. mom told me not to go to school tomorrow since I'm already like blah. But I feel bad since tomorrow is our group presention day, and my group also goes. X_X I feel so bad, but I also feel horrible arghs...
Luckily I didn't throw up anymore today, surprisinly I lost 4 pounds X_X but I would rather have kept those 4 pounds if it meant me not having to throw up. I still feel horrible and now I also have a dam fever which most likely came from the stomach virus. mom told me not to go to school tomorrow since I'm already like blah. But I feel bad since tomorrow is our group presention day, and my group also goes. X_X I feel so bad, but I also feel horrible arghs...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Weekend Homework
Surprisingly I finished all homework that is actually due on Monday. In fact, I've been so bored that I'm doing homework that is due in like march. The only thing that is left to be done is my group's English project. Its like getting me paranoid, since its the only thing that if left for me to do. X_X For some reason I get paranoid when there is homework still left unfinished. Sighs...we expected today to be the last time that we'll have chatroom about the project, but due to people having to leave early its still not done. I don't it to drag into the weekends, which are my studying days or something.
Sighs...2 more days left until school starts again, then its school for like more than a month of no breaks other than weekends until like april. I feel like I'm going to die before its actually Spring Break. There really isn't anything to look forward too either, other than tests and more tests X_X
Sighs...2 more days left until school starts again, then its school for like more than a month of no breaks other than weekends until like april. I feel like I'm going to die before its actually Spring Break. There really isn't anything to look forward too either, other than tests and more tests X_X
Thursday, February 19, 2009
English Project
Well, even though I'm done with all homework that is actually due when we have to go back to school. There is still a group project left to be done. I never liked group projects, since they tend to be a pain regardless of how good your group was. Having a good group makes it less of a pain but its still bad, since there is so many things. Doing a group project on aim chatroom is another reason why I don't like group projects. There is so many things to consider, and today while doing the project, my group already encountered problems. Here are most of the problems that we encountered:
Can't get into the chatroom: This happen to me and Rina, everytime we clicked accept it was just a blank scree. We fixed this problem by using different sns to get into the chatroom.
Random people coming into chatroom: This happened and it was so weird, since two random people suddenly came in telling us to get out or something WTF...they could've been hackers but we don't know now I gotta change my aim pass just in case X_X
Random people going away: X_X it has to happen the brbs I do it too so yea..
Getting Distracted: Its not like we try to get others distracted it just happens
Too many people talking at the same time:Seriously...I get so dam confused X_X
Ahh..stupid group projects X_X
Ahh..stupid group projects X_X
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Shopping in Kings Plaza
Finally Serena was done, and we left to go to Forever 21 but soon left since there was nothing there that we wanted. After that we went to a couple more stores that left us feeling so poor since the clothing was so dam expensive. X_X But then in one of those clothing stalls, Nancy and I got these shirts, that turned out to be huge on us(we discovered that when we got home). Finally we left to go to 8th ave to eat Viet. once again. I had Viet like 2 this week already X_X
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day. Hope that you all spent it with your love one :O I am one very happy person, in fact no other present today would make me happier, well unless you were to like hand me like 1 million dollars or something. But yes I'm very happy, I finally got my top braces off :O after 3 years and 4 months my top braces are off and in my next appointment my bottom ones are coming off as well. The retainer feels weird since I'm not use to it and its hard to take off since I just got them.
Well today other than going to the dentist I also went to Serena's house and Joyce, Serena and I made brownies. They turned out pretty good. While we were waiting we played Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Mario Tennis. Then we decorated the brownies with chocolate XD, Joyce's bf; John also came over. He most likely thought that I was crazy, since me and Joyce like killed one of the brownies by squeezing a lot of the melted chocolate on top of it, even though we were suppose to use the melted chocolate to write words on it. We also put two peeps on top of that brownie. Then we played more Playstation 2 and Joyce and I kept dying in Smash, Serena and John kept winning since they were pro and Joyce and I were noobie.

At 4:30 Serena and I had to go meet up with our classmates for viet. Joyce and John also came along. Viet was good, Joyce and I shared a dish since we both weren't hungry enough for two different dishes. When I was eating and had a spoon full of noodles, Joyce decided to squeeze a lemon on it, X_X it was sour as hell. Surprisingly I was watching Tiffany eating the lemons. After that spoon full, John got an idea. He put noodles, this sacue that was kind of sweet but I forgot the name of it, lemon jusic and hotsacue on it. When I asked who was going to eat it, he was like you. X_X In the end I ate it since the people around me wanted to see me eat it, it wasn't sour at all, instead it was mad spicy. Finally after messing around so much, we finally paid out bill and left.
*This is the same as my other blog post on my other blog, I forgot that I needed to update that one, so I just c&p*
Well today other than going to the dentist I also went to Serena's house and Joyce, Serena and I made brownies. They turned out pretty good. While we were waiting we played Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Mario Tennis. Then we decorated the brownies with chocolate XD, Joyce's bf; John also came over. He most likely thought that I was crazy, since me and Joyce like killed one of the brownies by squeezing a lot of the melted chocolate on top of it, even though we were suppose to use the melted chocolate to write words on it. We also put two peeps on top of that brownie. Then we played more Playstation 2 and Joyce and I kept dying in Smash, Serena and John kept winning since they were pro and Joyce and I were noobie.
At 4:30 Serena and I had to go meet up with our classmates for viet. Joyce and John also came along. Viet was good, Joyce and I shared a dish since we both weren't hungry enough for two different dishes. When I was eating and had a spoon full of noodles, Joyce decided to squeeze a lemon on it, X_X it was sour as hell. Surprisingly I was watching Tiffany eating the lemons. After that spoon full, John got an idea. He put noodles, this sacue that was kind of sweet but I forgot the name of it, lemon jusic and hotsacue on it. When I asked who was going to eat it, he was like you. X_X In the end I ate it since the people around me wanted to see me eat it, it wasn't sour at all, instead it was mad spicy. Finally after messing around so much, we finally paid out bill and left.
*This is the same as my other blog post on my other blog, I forgot that I needed to update that one, so I just c&p*
Friday, February 13, 2009
Finally, this long week finally ended. I swear all weeks before a week long vacation is always so dam long. I finally finished with all my tests for the week. X_X Global I think I failed like always it was mad hard, and ughhs..Then Bio. I think that I got an okay grade somewhere in the 80s I guess or something. Finally for the geometry test I got a 91! I was so happy until somebody reminded me of the 6 point curve X_X they killed my happiness. Spanish test=90 which is pretty good since I totally suck in spanish.
Happy Friday the 13th and Happy Earllie Valentine's Day. My month ban of candy and gum will officially be successful tomorrow, since I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Sighs...a whole vacation to do nothing once again. But I'm happy since there is no more getting up early in the morning to go to school to listen to teachers talk and talk X_X
For some strange reason I currently want chocolate really bad. I think its because of the chocolate thats in my house X_X Ughhs..screw the ban its the last day I'm going to eat my chocolate X_X
Rina totally made my day today. This was part of our conversation..
Rina: Well I know this girl whose "black" but can't act ganster so once she was listening to these ghetto people talk and she was like "oh I understand them"
Them: Yo nigga whatsup
Her: ...I'm going to the store....TO BUY RICE CRIPSYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG I swear that Rina so made my day.
Happy Friday the 13th and Happy Earllie Valentine's Day. My month ban of candy and gum will officially be successful tomorrow, since I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Sighs...a whole vacation to do nothing once again. But I'm happy since there is no more getting up early in the morning to go to school to listen to teachers talk and talk X_X
For some strange reason I currently want chocolate really bad. I think its because of the chocolate thats in my house X_X Ughhs..screw the ban its the last day I'm going to eat my chocolate X_X
Rina totally made my day today. This was part of our conversation..
Rina: Well I know this girl whose "black" but can't act ganster so once she was listening to these ghetto people talk and she was like "oh I understand them"
Them: Yo nigga whatsup
Her: ...I'm going to the store....TO BUY RICE CRIPSYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG I swear that Rina so made my day.
Monday, February 9, 2009
X_X For gym, this marking period, I had track again only this time it was in door track. And to think that I thought that outdoor track was bad. Indoor track was like worse. The only good part is that there is no slope. It was quite scary since we were running on top of the 1st floor gym, and its like if you fall down your like dead. But once you get use to it, the height is the least of your worries. He told us to run for 3 mins straight I think, or was it 9 laps not sure. That was hell. It starts off easy, but once you hit the 4th lap or so (well if your like physical fit then of course you won't have this problem) you start to like die. My throat turned all dry, and it was just horrible. What was worse was that there was like no air circulation, so we were basically just breathing in everyone's carbon dioxide. It was hell, and I have gym on friday too, ughhs..then at least mid-winter recess.
I swear all teachers love giving tests at the same time X_X
Wedensday-Spanish Quiz
Thursday-English voc. quiz
Friday-Bio. and Global test
Ughhs...I feel tired just thinking about the upcoming tests X_X
I swear all teachers love giving tests at the same time X_X
Wedensday-Spanish Quiz
Thursday-English voc. quiz
Friday-Bio. and Global test
Ughhs...I feel tired just thinking about the upcoming tests X_X
Friday, February 6, 2009
Today, I got back my score to find out that I did worse than last year by a lot. 555--->502. Fail, but oh wells. I'm glad that my friend Serena, got into Tech, now I can see her all the time hehehes, btw I don't know if thats a good thing or not XD.
One more week, until mid-winter recess. I already have a bad feeling about the week that is coming up. Since I have a project due for english I'm playing the goddess Athena, and in global I'm this sick poor women, and I also have this drawing thingy due for spanish. Then there is a math test on tuesday, and a voc. test on thursday and a bio. test on friday. What is with teachers and all giving tests at the same time. Sighs...its going to be a long long week I just know it is.
DDP is a pain in the ass. Yesterday I had to go to three stores, just to buy a stupid spiral graph paper notebook. After I froze my butt off finding it, I had to put in the work that I've done for the whole year. Well it was only 4 projects. But for the sneaker project he didn't return my groups project, so I was already short one. Then there was the whole problem with dates, since I didn't know which date to put or anything. Finally I just gave up on it, it was hopeless anyways. And he tends to grade you on your chest size D:
One more week, until mid-winter recess. I already have a bad feeling about the week that is coming up. Since I have a project due for english I'm playing the goddess Athena, and in global I'm this sick poor women, and I also have this drawing thingy due for spanish. Then there is a math test on tuesday, and a voc. test on thursday and a bio. test on friday. What is with teachers and all giving tests at the same time. Sighs...its going to be a long long week I just know it is.
DDP is a pain in the ass. Yesterday I had to go to three stores, just to buy a stupid spiral graph paper notebook. After I froze my butt off finding it, I had to put in the work that I've done for the whole year. Well it was only 4 projects. But for the sneaker project he didn't return my groups project, so I was already short one. Then there was the whole problem with dates, since I didn't know which date to put or anything. Finally I just gave up on it, it was hopeless anyways. And he tends to grade you on your chest size D:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Report Cards
X_X Finally, my grades finally came out and my overall final average is a 90.64%. I'm satisfied, but I seriously don't know how people get those 96+ like seriously D: Ughs...I need to work on math, DDP and global. Especially math, considering I'm suppose to be passing with flying colors, so much for asians being good in math, stupid stereotypes.
I've decided to work my ass off this term, since I don't want to go to summer school. X_X ughhs...meaning I'll do all my homework(I feel like a nerd now) and study for every freakin test. But I have a feeling this won't long, since ughhs...I'm really lazy. Well I should actually work on class participation, since I'm failing in that area. My spanish teacher also now has this new thing that he writes on when we participate, and class participation is freakin like 15% in dam spanish class. Yea kill me some more. I'll attempt to participate, but I can't if I'm like not paying attention. There goes another thing, I really should stop day dreaming in class. Seriously I swear the teachers have been getting smarter, they like call on you when you look like your day dreaming. I use to day dream all I want, and nothing happens, they must take lessons on how to catch students not paying attention. Its too bad I don't sit in a corner behind some tall chubby kid, who covers me totally, I could like sleep and nobody would ever catch me.
I've decided to work my ass off this term, since I don't want to go to summer school. X_X ughhs...meaning I'll do all my homework(I feel like a nerd now) and study for every freakin test. But I have a feeling this won't long, since ughhs...I'm really lazy. Well I should actually work on class participation, since I'm failing in that area. My spanish teacher also now has this new thing that he writes on when we participate, and class participation is freakin like 15% in dam spanish class. Yea kill me some more. I'll attempt to participate, but I can't if I'm like not paying attention. There goes another thing, I really should stop day dreaming in class. Seriously I swear the teachers have been getting smarter, they like call on you when you look like your day dreaming. I use to day dream all I want, and nothing happens, they must take lessons on how to catch students not paying attention. Its too bad I don't sit in a corner behind some tall chubby kid, who covers me totally, I could like sleep and nobody would ever catch me.
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