Monday, December 1, 2008

Dead Mouse

My mouse is dead, no not the real one for one for my computer :O. Its like DEAD. I'm so sad for it, I only had it for one year and now its dead...sighs..time for me to get another one, yea...that would take a long time for me to replace it. Sighs...

Arghs....math test 76 =________= total asian failure. :O And our teacher raised our grades too, asian Failure. My report card now goes down, literally. more quarter left for this semester time for me to do good for real this time. Shit I have a bio. test tomorrow. Okay I gotta remember to study. Surprisingly I'm not doing that bad in english my grade is a 93. I just need to particapate more, since my particapation grade is a 75.

So yesterday when I was helping my cousin look for information on Albert Einstine I came aross this quote. "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."Proves just how stupid Humans are. But then again its true though, us humans aren't that smart if you look at the other animals. Some animal babies know how to swim and move once they are born, humans make a big deal over our first steps. There are some animals like the turtle who are left alone when they are born, yea...a human baby would die if that were to happen. But then there is the fact of everyday life...yea..I'm not going to go into deatils now.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Your mouse = bootleg :X Go with logitech, dell, hp or some popular brand :O If it's the matter of moving the mouse, try opening it; clean out the dust and it should be fixed. That might be the problem; to much dust builds up. Clean it THOROUGHLY (because the dust like sticks in some).

"total asian Failure" lmao, I like that. That's what I thought of myself when I failed test after test and quiz after quiz in math last year :'O

"The difference between ignorance and stupidity: Ignorance can be fixed" - [forgot]
My global room belongs to a teacher who writes a new quote everyday---their clever :O but easily forgotten.