For your information all the stuff that use to be there most likely are still there, just stuff into my drawers. But at least nobody looks in there anyways.
Finals are coming up in about 2 weeks, there is a final in every subject D: wtf..I have a gym final and we're doing volleyball, no idea how he is going to have his test. D: Bio. test is tomorrow, meaning that I really should get going with the studying lets hope this time I don't fall alsleep D: which is what I end up doing after looking at words for more than half an hour.
I have 2 projects due tomorrow. I'm not doing them right now as always ;_; Lol, I like your desk ;D Messy desks are nice, you find things that you didn't know as there.
Don't worry Janie! If your site gets deleted this time, I have back up :D
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