Saturday, January 23, 2010
I never thought about this until an incident today that made me realize something. Out of all of my cousins(I only have three) I'm the most average. All of them know how to play the piano expect me. I never had any interest and my parents never forced me to learn. Even though some of my cousins were forced to learn they still know how to play. Also all my cousins have taken many extra lessons on a whole lot of other stuff such as dancing, sports, drawing etc. Other than learning how to swim I've never had any interest in doing any of those things. My parents never forced me and so now I feel like compared to them I'm average. They've all at one point of their lives went to a private school (I only went in pre-k and I never finish so I don't think that counts.) Also they all know already what they want to be when they grow up (well actually I don't know what my boy cousin wants to be but I"m sure he knows what he wants to be if not oh wells.) I'm still deciding on what I want to be when I grow up. I know that even though I'm average it doesn't make me any less than them. But when we go out to dinner or visit relatives and this gets brought up I feel out of place and like a loser. I know that my parents don't care that I've never did any of the stuff they do, they just care about how to do in school and they hate comparing me to my cousins. But I can't help comparing myself to them and how average I am compared to them.