To Someone that I'm drifting away from.
We use to be so close. You considered me your best friend and honestly I did too, even though I told you I didn't believe in best friends. I don't really since I've always thought that best friend was only one friend. But I do consider you as one of my best friends. But now we're drifting apart from each other. Even though we still hang out and talk its just not the same. There are stuff I would use to tell you but now I don't and I know its the same with you. We've both seem to have found another group of friends besides each other. I miss being able to tell you all my problems and you giving me the solutions. I wish it would go back to how it use to be. But even though our friendship isn't as close as it use to be, I really still do consider you as one of my best friends. I just wish that we could talk about anything and tell each other everything thats going on. Even though we both have other friends that we're super close too, I wish that we were still as close as how we use to be. I know that I'm hard to handle at times, and I use to get pissed off at you a lot. But now I feel like I shouldn't have done that because I feel like thats what causing us to become part. I wish I could tell you all this but I feel like I just can't. But I just want you to know that even though we're drifting apart, I still do consider you one of my best friends.