Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas is almost here :D

3 more days, till Christmas, one more day till we get off for 11 days. Arghs..last day tomorrow. Gotta bring in all my present and then after school gotta go to Bayparkway for this reunion thing with my whole Jr. High School Class expect for like 4 students.

Its getting so cold these days >.< thing that I hate about this holiday I always end up poor.

Arghs...I failed my ddp test with a 63 which is alot better than a lot of people, since barely anyone passed. >< It was a freakin hard test. Sighs...I had another essay exam today for english, I think that I wrote a shitty eassy but hopefully I pass.


Connie said...

WTF WTF WTF! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU POSTED SO MUCH :O STUPID BLOGGER BLOG UPDATES... The last post I saw was "Grades" and now I see you write all these posts in 1 hour >OOOOO

Sorry, that's my excuse for lack of commenting, I'll come back and finish commenting---got bio right now.

Connie said...

The DDP test? Like midterm? I failed the drawing portion so badly =_=