Tuesday, June 30, 2009

End of June=Beach

So to celebrate the ending to June and the beginning of July my friends and I went to the beach(no not really, they just wanted to go to the beach but I just like putting this this way. XD) We planned the time to be 11:30, but due to train traffic and etc. we ended up getting there are like 12 or 12:30ish. At first only three people ran into the waters, Oscar not knowing that his sidekick was in his pocket ran into the water and only when he came back did he realize his phone was in his pocket. When he took it out it was soaking wet and not really working. But soon all of us did get in expect for Tina, although most of us didn't really go in we just let the water hit our feet.

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(Oscar's dead phone is up there)
But soon, while some of the people played in the water Sisi and I sat there wanting to build a sandcastle but due to people killing it so many times we gave up. Soon everyone came back and dried off and decided to do some tanning. Everyone just lied there attempting to get tanned. But the sun was in our eyes so we all found a way to cover our faces. Since I'm already tanned expect for my legs I opened an umbrella to cover the top part of my body. But tanning kind of killed us, since after a while the wind got stronger and began to blow sand all over us.
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We realized we were quite hungry so we went to get Popeyes. We brought it back to the beach to eat, althought that might not have been a good idea since we had to be careful or else the sand would get into our food. The three people originally playing in the water went back to playing in the water while the rest of us cam-whored some more and tried to keep free of the sand. But that proved to be epic fail since the wind got stronger blowing the sand all over our stuff killing our phones (if we had a slide up phone it was hard to slide up due to the sand.) Not to mention it killed our hair blowing our hair in all places. But after a couple of dead phones, a couple of bad hair and a whole lot of sand we decided to go home. I bet the first thing we all did was jump into the showers.

Friday, June 26, 2009

End of Freshmen Year

Today my freshmen year came to an end. I had to go back to school to get my report card and afterwards I went to ktown. So here are my opinions on my grades and teachers(whose names will not be mention for their sake and for mine as well.)
Global-90 well I was expecting it since well that is what I've been getting in his class.-My teacher was pretty cool but he gave really hard tests well in my opinion since global has never been easy for me(too much facts =_=)
Spanish-90 I went up after thinking that I failed my final and everything.-My teacher pms-es too much and he has favorites but if you don't piss him off he pretty much leaves you alone. But if you piss him off then he kind of makes fun of you if you get things wrong. He says things that I don't think a teacher should say (like picking on kids and their spanish grades)
Bio.-93 I went down 4 points since I haven't been doing good this quarter.-My teacher was pretty good I guess. She gave hard quizes and is really strict but I guess that is what helps us learn. (91 regents grade D;)
Bio. Lab:97
DDP: 75 Well I got the same last quarter so w/e-My teacher has an attitude problem and he doesn't really try to help us out when we have problems. He expects us to just get it or figure it out on our own. He didn't really teach us anythign and intead he sent us a bunch of powerpoints for us to read and educate ourselves with.
Geometry: 94 Same as last quarter so w/e-My teacher was alright. But I didn't really follow him in class most of the time so usually I just read the textbook when I got home. (99 regents grade-I was really surprised and happy)
English: 95 eh. considering I did really badly on this certain test-My teacher was alright such as he gives a lot of extra credit and all. But yet I haven't learned anything really this year and he favorites way too much. X_X

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Belated Birthday Party~

Well first I'm finally done with my regents. :D All there is left is my DDP final on monday then I'm finally free from all exams and such for this school year. :D

Yesterday was my belated Birthday Party, since I got sick on my birthday. It was really fun and the food made us so full *O* After a while we had to play rock paper scissors to see who would have to eat another piece of food. Everyone pitched in and got me a cake, it was suppose to be an ice cream cake from Doukin Donuts which was about a block away from the restaurant, but the two people who were buying the cake got lost and end up going to a bakery to get the cake. And since its a traditional to cream the birthday girl that is what ended up happening to me. First Serena put a blob of cream on my face, then Nancy placed another blob of cream on my face since there was no pictures taken. But still that failed until they were passing a piece of cake around and while I was holding it, Tina smashed the piece of cake onto my face. But they weren't done, they took all the cream off the side of my cake and placed it onto a plate and since I refused to get creamed any more they creamed Melody instead. Afterwards they promised her that on her birthday they would cream me instead.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Today, I went for my haircut. I wanted fuller bangs and I guess shorter hair(isn't that the point we go to the hair salon.) Well I'm happy with the length but my bangs are WAY TOO SHORT D; Which is something I can do nothing about expect wait for it to grow out.

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Finally finished with finals as well as geometry regents. Now all thats left before I'm finally free from school is Bio. Regents and DDP final. Then my freshmen year has really came to an end.