Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Writing this on Windows Live Writer for the longest time I’ve wanted to write here but I haven’t.

Happy Halloween 09! I was suppose to go trick-o-treating but my mommy won’t let me out late so yea. Plus I have tons of homework especially chinese school which would end up taking four hours and all my patience to finish.

This post looks uber boring and uber short. But I just wanted to see what posting with Windows Live Writer was like. XD

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Guility and Worried

Today, for technology I was picked for team captain for technology lab. So I had to pick people, I was down to the last person and there were couple of people in the front of the room, two guys were standing right next to each other both wearing black. I picked the second guy but since I didn't know his name I just pointed and the first guy came. I had to go like "No, I mean I want that guy" It was so embarrassing and I felt so bad and mean afterwards. I mean I still do feel bad about it.
I'm so freakin worried for report cards. I know I failed math. I think I might have failed chem. lab too and the rest of my grades are like 90s. I really don't want my report card. I don't want to see it. I don't know what to tell my parents. I know they'll be disappointed with me. X_____X"

Friday, October 23, 2009


I'm so disappointed in myself thanks to my grades. I'm offically failing math, I got a 52 on my math test and adding that to the 65 isn't going to get me a good average. I hate the fact that I'm failing math and the fact that I'm in honors tri doesn't cut it for me. I promised myself that I would do better this year but I'm not doing anything better. I'm just so disappointed in myself and the fact that I'm not working hard to get the grades I want. I'm pretty sure my overall average is going to be an 80 this first marking period and this isn't the way I wanted to start of somphomore year. I really need to push myself these days, in order to get the grades I want. I'm really hoping that I do get my average up for every subject by second/third marking period especially in math, I'm really going to need to read and work on tons of problems from my textbook.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

George Gray

I have studied many times
The marble which was chiseled for me --
A boat with a furled sail at rest in a harbor.
In truth it pictures not my destination
But my life.
For love was offered me and I shrank from its disillusionment;
Sorrow knocked at my door, but I was afraid;
Ambition called to me, but I dreaded the chances.
Yet all the while I hungered for meaning in my life.
And now I know that we must lift the sail
And catch the winds of destiny
Wherever they drive the boat.
To put meaning in one's life may end in madness,
But life without meaning is the torture
Of restlessness and vague desire --
It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid.
-Edgar Lee Masters

Friday, October 16, 2009

Stressful Week Over!

Finally, the end of the marking period was today. It has been a hectic week from Pre-SATs to exams. I got a 75 on my spanish exam, so sad, but most of our class did bad since it was so unexpected. Surprisingly I'm doing good in global compared to last year when I was failing so badly. Honors Tri is the hardest class I have. I'm so use to studying from the textbook and simply passing since that I what I did last year, but NOOOO her tests are so hard and the textbook doesn't go so deeply into the problems. I'm hoping that I pass this class even if its with a 65. Next is Sophomore Technology which is confusing at times. But over time I seem to understand it, since he gave us extra time for the exam today I think I fixed up some errors I made, since totally blanked out during the test especially when he called 10 mins. I took my Chemstry test today and it wasn't that bad. Gym I passed or at least I think so. Spanish I'm sorta passing. English is hard as well! I never thought I'll say it but I think for the first time in 4 years I won't be getting that 91+ average I usually get.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

2 more tests left

I think I failed all the tests I took today, other than my gym test. Sighs, math test was so much harder than I expected and I got a 65 on my previous test so I really wanted to do so well but that doesn't seem like its the case. I just hope that I get at least a 65 on it. Then I had a technology test, which wasn't exactly hard but I ran out of time so I ended up rushing thru some questions. Next I had a gym test which I passed thankfully. Finally I had an english test and once again I ran out of time forcing me to rush thru about 5 questions. The only good part about it was that it had 50 questions. Although I think that was the reason I ran out of time. Sighs, two more tests tomorrow =______="

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I find it so weird when...

1-People pronounce my name wrong. I've never really had my name pronounced wrong until I got into YEA and the president says Joan or Jodie instead of Joann.
2-People who I think didn't know my name, knows my name. There is this guy in my global class who was like Hi Joann when I was going down the stairs I really didn't know what he knows my name. I don't participate in class so I find it so weird LMFAO. Although I usually tend to know people's names even if they don't really participate in class.

So stressed, tomorrow is the Pre-SATs and I'm suppose to be studying but my failure of the math section when I was taking a practice test in my book brought all my hopes down. Sighs...I hope to do well tomorrow and I think I have a spanish test tomorrow too.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy&Connie

Happy Birthday Daddy, who won't ever see this.

Connie! The person who got me into blogging and the one who helps me code all my layouts. The person who tells me over and over to fix my designs because they are too plain. The friend who critiques my graphics, not to mention tells me over and over to use different fonts. The person who got me into Desire Climax(which I stopped reading) and many other mangas. I want to wish you
Happy 15th Birthday :]

Friday, October 2, 2009

Staring is Rude

I've always hated when people stare at me. It makes me feel all awkward and makes me worry since there has to be a reason you're staring at me. But we all stare at others at one point of our lives, I mean I do it. It just annoys me when someone purposely stares at you and makes it very obvious that they are staring that you.
Such as today, in Tri honors our teacher has a habit of calling on you if you don't talk a lot in class. I'm one of those people who hates to participate since I hate getting things wrong. So she puts up this problem on the board a line that passes thru point (4,5) parallel to the x-axis. I knew the answer but I couldn't explain the slope or anything so I was hoping she wouldn't call on me, but its just my luck that she does. So I'm trying to figure out something and I begin to notice people turning around to look at me. The girl in front of me wisphered the answer to me but my teacher scolded her for doing so (I felt so bad. T_T") But I was still flumbing over the answer even though I sort of heard her. That is when I notice half the class had turned around to stare at me. The reason I knew they were staring at me was because I sit all the way in the back so its pretty obvious when people are staring at me especially if they sit in the front. In the end I blurted out the answer and she moved on. I was so annoyed, I mean by them staring at me it was like they were putting more pressure on it, and I don't really see the point of staring at someone when they are trying to give an answer.