Friday, November 12, 2010


I have way too many depressing posts here LOL Heres a happy one. I'm going to my school's Career Day tomorrow, I'm looking forward to it since I had a lot of fun last year. Why do I have nothing to say LOL maybe because its almost 11 and I have to get up at 6:15 tomorrow LOL what fun! I'll finish this post tomorrow LOL :)

Finally going to change it LOL I write LOLs too much. So I went for my club YEA and our alumni shared a room with a surgeon. My alumni was actually a young medical student working for both her MD and PhD. We had to get there super early, and they passed out name tags and stuff and my room had a total of 6 hosts (3 host per alumni.) Before people actually began to come in we were playing this game called Bloon Tower on the smart board LOL We were way too hyped about. But later the alumni came in and so did the students. I actually learned a lot this year about being a medical student and enjoying college and everything. It was very interesting how they paired it up in a way we had two points of view. The older alumni didn't always want to be a doctor he wanted to major in art and everything until a teacher pushed him toward medical school and he loved it. My alumni on the other hand has always wanted to be in medical student and she's always worked hard for it and graduated from Columbia. It was really good hearing about all her experiences since she made it sound so easy, graduating from my school 3rd in her class getting a 1460/1600 on her SATs. I really enjoyed career day this year compared to last year even though last year was fun too.


Emina said...

Ahahaha, I LOL-ed at your LOLs xDDe

Connie said...

Are you going for YEA or NHS? I wish I could've gone but...I have SAT classes.