Friday, March 13, 2009

Crazy Week

Oh my gah...this week was killing me. For one its the last week of our marking period, therefore that means a lot of tests, I had a test everyday this week.
Monday: English Quiz
Tuesday: Gym, Bio. Quiz and Spanish Test
Wed.:Global Exam
Thursday: Math Test
Friday: Spanish Pop Quiz, English Essay Exam and DDP Quiz
I think that I did okay on all my tests, other than my Spanish Pop Quiz which I know I failed, since I left like 5 blank since I ran out of time. My spanish teacher is like blah now, on thursday he like flipped out on us, when half the class didn't do the quiz that he assigned. Mostly because he assigned it at the last 30 secs. of class and most of the class didn't hear the hw. Then he started yelling at the people who don't bring their textbooks, even though the people haven't been bringing it for like 2 monthes. Now he is giving us like 3 activties for homework instead of the usual 1.

Finally, today I got my braces off (bottom ones). My bottom retainer feels really weird though, I'm like totally not use to having no braces since I've had them for so long. Sighs...I feel so worn out, from this week that currently I don't want to do anything expect maybe eat but other than that I just want to climb to bed and sleep.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Wow, lol. At least you didn't have all the tests on Friday like I did >.> Yea, bringing the textbook is so annoying. My spanish teacher tells us to bring it for the whole week and all we use it for is to look at the questions for homework checking. Ugh, I crammed like hell this week too. Especially for the English project that I'd procrastinated on for over 2 months =_="