Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day~

Finally after 5 years do we get off from school. NYC is really into students going to school X_X But thank god we didn't have to go today, since it was wet and cold. I didn't really do anything though at home, other than lump there watching Bones.
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Bones=My Current Addiction. I've been watching for like 3 days straight after I discovered a site where you can watch online. X_X its like awesome I mean all the mysteries and the realness of the dead bodies. Sighs...I'm so addicted and I can't really stop myself from watching, but I do get homework and stuff done so yea...There are benefits of the drama such as I learn science stuff from it, not to mention they have good storylines and like they actually seem to work to get the answers. Plus the dead bodies actually look real, I mean who wants to see fake looking dead bodies, real looking ones just add to the suspense. tomorrow I'm ready, since I already got like 3 days off, but I'm scared of the cold X_X and I thought that spring was coming where the hell is the warm weather X_X

1 comment:

Connie said...

*swims in snow* *sinks*