Thursday, February 26, 2009


Sighs...two tests tomorrow; one in English of the myths that we were "taught" and ddp on measurements. I needa study for both of them since I promised that I would do better this term, and today I'm pretty sure that I failed my Spanish quiz that I took today.
English is a pain to study for, since there are so many myths and even though I read all of them well most of them I don't remember the names very well X_X I feel like I'm going to fail English since even though his tests aren't that hard, there are a lot of questions so I have to go quick there isn't really time to slow and think about the answers.
DDP is a pain in the butt X_X seriously we're going to have this test on measurements so I've been trying to remember formulas. My teacher is just so blah. I mean on Wedensday, he wanted "completed" homework and only 3 students completed everything, so everyone else gets a zero, sighs...Studying is so dam hard, I mean I've read over everything and all, but yea...not working X_X

1 comment:

Connie said...

Omg, I'm on Myths too! But currently, we're doing presentations on notes taken about Ancient Greek culture in general I guess. I have a gods/goddesses project dued* but I didn't start ~.~

At least your teacher doesn't make you print out the 19 dam pages of the myths (they were interesting though, finished them in like 2 hours one bored evening) and then 10 pages of his (why bother make us take our own?) notes and another 10 pages of "study guide" that just have questions we should think about in each story...