Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Math is so hard.

I had a snow day today, and I did tons of cleaning and I did loads of homework. My math teacher didn't upload my hw until 5 and it was on vectors something that I didn't learn yet. So I was hoping that there would be so school tomorrow so I wouldn't have to do it. But nooooo we have school tomorrow so I have to do it and I only get 2 problems out of the 7 and she said if we didn't do all the problems she would give us zero credit. But I don't even know how to do them, I mean I can guess but that is kinda really hard. I also have a spanish test to study for. I'm panicing for my math homework since I really have no freakin idea on how to do it. D: Stupid vectors.


Emina said...

sometimes i love math but sometimes, they are out of questions.. urgh!
but do your best! :)

Connie said...

You don't remember vectors?!