Saturday, March 20, 2010


I hate the fact that I can't ever forget stuff that people have done to me. Such as breaking promises or doing anything to me that hurt my feelings at that moment. I simply don't ever forget about them and it gets annoying. Sometimes when I'm mad at that person I suddenly remember all the old stuff they've done to me and it just gets me more mad. I mean sometimes people break promises to me and they try to make it up, but it just hurts when people break a promise to me. Well not necessary small ones but big ones. Sometimes I look so forward to doing whatever they promised me that we're gonna do such as go somewhere. But when we end up not going I just feel disappointed and upset. I wish I can just let all my "grudges" go but for some weird reason I just can't. And when they make other promises to me I can't help but feel like what if they break this promise like the other one. I mean I forgive them and everything but I just never forget. There was this like which one is easier to forgive or to forget. And I find its just really hard to forget things like that. Sighs. It just depresses me when I can't forget something even after a long period of time has passed.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Time mends a broken heart.