Monday, January 26, 2009


Happy Chinese New Years, yes I went to school like a nerd, but it was interesting. I found our my final grade or final report card grade for most of the classes so I'm happy.

Global: Final report card grade-85 which I'm okay with, since my first marking period was a 65, then 80 so I went up so I'm glad.
Spanish: 3rd quarter or final report card grade= 92, holy crap I'm passing spanish in the 90s this is amazing :O
Bio. Final Test=99?!?!?!?!? I'm so happy, btw it is out of 110 but still 99?!?!?!?! that dam 99 is going to count twice, and she is dropping the lowest test/quiz grade which means good bye 63. This so helps my average, studying my ass off did help
English: Final breakdown: Classwork-75% hahahas I should raise my hand, but Blah. Homework-100% I'm such a nerd, Test: 92 decent, Quiz: 100 and I don't even cheat for the voc. quizes.

Tomorrow: DDP final, I'm still studying but I'm currently dying, since its so freakin boring to read slides over and over again. Ughs...D: I just want to pass I'm not even asking for a 90 or above, just a decent passing grade. I wonder how teachers can make these files one after another I would just like give up after doing one of them, reading them is already killing me imagine I had to make one :O

1 comment:

Connie said...

I went through hell for ddp and didn't study shit.

I didn't study biology...crammed the period before and I feel guilty(?) about my grade.

Congrats on the amazing scores \o/!