Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving :D I'm so bored..but glad that there is no school, after reading L's myspace I've decided to list 40 random things about myself 100 is too much. This proves how bored I am
1. I like taking pictures
2. I hate doing bad on math tests.
3. I need to clean my desk.
4. I'm currently listening to the song Waiting for You
5. I'm currently watching Bump off Lover
6. I like horror movies
7. Painting my nails different colors make me happy
8. I'm slow at times
9. I didn't get "brutas" and had to google it.
10. I've never curled or straighten my hair before.
11. My black nailpolish is crappy.
12. I don't know my alphabet off the top of my head I need to start counting from A to get to Z
13. I like to read
14. On maple story I'm level 46
15. I don't like winter
16. But I don't like summer either
17. I want chocolate right now
18. I'm really bored right now
19. My arm is cramping.
20. I have no muscles
21. I like sleeping with alot of pillows
22. I don't like using wallets or card holders
23. I don't get how guys put their wallet in their pockets.
24. I like wearing long jeans.
25. I don't own a pair of skinny jeans.
26. I like buying huge hoodies.
27. Manga makes me happy
28. I like walking in the sunshine
29. I don't like turkey that much
30. Only 10 more facts to go
31. There is a piggy shape mooncake on my desk.
32. I have a lot of quarters on my desk
33. I like growing my nails long.
34. I like weird songs.
35. Notice how I'm putting periods behind some sentences
36. dang..I need to start homework soon
37. I need to do better in global
38. I hate taking a foregin language
39. I have a public blog
40. People call me one of a kind.

Okay..if you don't want to read that, its fine I'm was just bored.


Connie said...

I like taking pictures too~ although their sucky because they're taken with my phone.
I hate doing bad on math tests because thats the only subject I'm good in and I'M ASIAN!
My desk is to crowded to be cleaned xD
What's Brutas?
I never curled or straighten my hair but I might straighten it someday (my friend wants to do my hair...)
Huge hoodies = hawt
I think I have one pair of skinny jeans that's only like 1 cm short for me. I like wearing long jeans too~
Manga is my god.
Any meat is fine for me probably, but I hate baloney (I'm not sure I got the right meat but w/e).
I grow my nails to long and my habit kicks in and makes me bite them off.
I hate global. Why does she have to make us remember every little shit?!
I hate learning foreign language (that's not asian).

Connie said...

oh yea, Happy Thanksgiving!