Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Once again, I failed my bio. test. And no we didn't back, we just took our quiz today. Sighs...but I have this feeling that I failed so badly, I was ready about 1 week ago, but she was absent and being the person I am, I thought that I would remember but I didn't remember some of the stuff. >< Okay...so much for that 91 average its going down...until the next test/quiz I need to study for that.

Spanish test wasn't as bad, but I'm still unsure since I always have this not good in Spanish thing. Sighs...my plan to do better is not exactly off to the best start, but I will do better considering that reports cards are tomorrow. That'll be my wake up call. But I'm doing better in global since I got a 38 out of 45 or was it out of 41. Considering the first test that I took where I failed with extra credit, and not asian failing it was failing failing.

Sighs...report cards tomorrow...I actually seriously don't want mine.

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