Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy I guess

So report cards were today, and I guess I am happy, since I went up by exactly 4.61 points. Even if I'm still in the 80s I got better at least.
Spanish II-90
Phys. Ed-85
Bio. Lab-100 :D
My global grade is an 80 OMG. so much better than that 65 I got last quarter. So this is the last marking period, and I'm not exactly on a good start, but I'll work harder. Sighs...I swear I'm not asian. Seriously I get a higher grade in spanish than I do in math...ASIAN FAILURE. And the fact that I went down 5 points in math...not good. Wait...I just remembered that I have a quiz in math tomorrow. So back to my enzyme bio. homework then time for me to study.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Congrats! Omg, 100 in Bio Lab; that's like impossible for me cause I don't understand shit. Lmao, you should be labeled Hispanic Joann ;O