Monday, December 29, 2008


sighs...only a week left of winter break. I still haven't finished my homework, and have been lazying around. All the things that I said I was going do, I haven't really "gotten" to it. I just waste my days in front of the tv, watching my drama or talking on aim.

Today, Serena and I went out to 8th ave, to check out hot guys. We found one and he was showing off too much skin for my liking. But when we were going home, there was this guy behind us, who kept going like "blah blah chinese girls are hot blah blah blah." We got scared so we attempted to walk faster, but that is a hard thing to do in 8th ave, so in the end we just crossed the street hoping that he wouldn't follow us. Thank god he didn't, and we eventually lost him in the crowd of people.

Ahh..still have to finish my homework which I'll finish tomorrow after I come home from Allison's birthday party.

1 comment:

Connie said...